It is one act play that tells a story about two blind men who beg in a Frensh street infront of an inn called "The Green Dragon" . At first a man, who is a Comedian , passes close to them ; they ask him for charity ,but he tells them that he is poor like them.Then he askes about an inn where he can have good food; they guide him to" The Green Dragon" . Then comes a donkey, and they begin to practice their profession without knowing the identity of what stands before them; the donkey boots them by its legs and goes away . After that, comes
The donkey driver askes about his lost donkey . The blind men ask him for charity, he promises them with a reward if they guide him to find his donkey, they guide him , but the man deceives them and gives them nothing . All of them assumes that the other had taken the reward from the driver so they go to enter the inn and have a good dinner. The innkeeper gets them out after they have their dinner and discover that they have no money, he wants to call the police , but the comedian comes to calm him after he witnesses the whole trick. He decides to pay the innkeeper his money and play a trick on the driver or make him his great farce. The comedian takes the donkey after the driver ties it and enters the inn , to give it to the innkeeper as a recompense, he enters the donkey into the innkeepers stable, then the driver gets out of the inn to find his donkey becomes a man . The comedian makes him self instead of the donkey and brays , the driver wonders and asks the comedian what happens, he tells him a false story, the comedian says " Iam your donkey but in the past I was a man and my mother cursed me, hence God turned me into donkey , but now I come to be a man again" the driver believes him and leaves him to be afriend as a man. The two blind men come close to the comedian after the driver leaves and share him in braying, they thank him and he does the same because they guided him to the inn